Friday, April 22, 2011

Motherhood...designed to draw us near to Him

I did it!! I finished "Raising Your Children for Christ" and as I finished the last line I let out a big sigh not a finally finished sigh but a Lord please help me This wont be the last time I read this book, shoot I almost want to start it all over again ;).  I really want to encourage you to put this on the top of your list to read, it is filled with such truth, and it is not based on someones opinion but on biblical truths. 

One thing that I can really say I have learned from this book, is that motherhood was made to draw us near to God, not the other way around.  Since the moment I became a mom, I began to learn many things about myself, God has truly been gracious and merciful to me.  Thus far on this road of motherhood, I have been happy, sad, joyful, depressed, lost, distant from God..etc, etc!! You all know what I mean, it is a roller coaster of emotions as our lives change when we are the least prepared.

But God, through His beautiful tenderness and faithfulness has shown me, that I was made to encounter Him as a mom and through my children.  That being a mom is more then just nuturing a child, but nuturing them in Him.  He has so graciously chosen me to mother my babies, to raise them up for His glory, to teach them, train them and demonstrate to them what a life of consecration and holiness looks like. This can only be attained by drawing nearer and nearer to Him.

All you believing mommas, don't get caught up in the to "do's" of mommy hood, first and foremost know that you were set apart, chosen by the all powerful God to train these moral beings for Him, and this should be reason enough to seek Him diligently, because that, in the end is what will bring salvation to your kids, and the Holy Spirit into your homes. 

We are ALL our babies have to reach Jesus.  Draw near to Him, open your heart, even in your failures just keep going because your children need you.   Our children are children of the kingdom, are set apart, but us mommas MUST partner with God and MUST do our part...because years down the road God forbid one of our children stray away from Jesus all because we didn't take our place in our home and in their lives, we will look back with the terrible feeling of regret, and say "I should of".   This is the very fear that this book has placed in my heart,  I felt like the Lord woke me up and said " get with it, seek me, pray, and most importantly LIVE AND LIFE FOUND WORTHY OF ME that your children may reach me through you"!

I vow, to give Jesus all that I am, that my children will love Him and find all their pleasures in Him...even when I fail, when I feel weak, I say yes! will you vow the same??

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