Tuesday, April 5, 2011

fear of failing...

So, have any of you mommas felt scared of not being able to fulfill your mommy duties, both in the natural and in the spiritual?  Somedays, I feel like a complete failure, and scared that I am not the mother I need to be. 

This new journey of revelation and understanding of my duties as a mother that the Lord has been taking me through has put me over the edge.  Some days I feel empowered and others, like today, I question if I am even do all that it requires.  I am afraid of not being that reflection of Jesus that I am suppose to be.  There is like a weight on my shoulders, if I don't fix things in my heart that I need to, and remove all distraction that keep me from better reaching for Jesus then I WILL NOT be that mother that leads her children straight to Him.

I  constantly get slapped in the face with all of my imperfections, all the little areas in my heart and life that need change.  I am far from being perfect, far from being where I know I need to be, and one of my BIGGEST fears is to fail my children as their spiritual leader.  The thought of my children walking away from the ways of righteousness as a result of my leadership terrifies me.  I can only have faith, that the work that He has begun in me, He is faithful to complete it.

I guess, its just a matter of trust, trust in the Lord, trust that he takes pleasure in my sincere yes, and in my striving for more holiness in my life.  I have to remind myself that I am not doing this on my own, Moe and I are raising our babies in partnership with the Holy Trinity.  Thank you Lord for your mercy, grace, strength and perfect leadership.  Holy Spirit encourage my heart.....You know I need it.

Willing to do all that it takes to see my children saved.....

1 comment:

  1. Awe honey! I know exactly how you feel! How come you didn't text me?!

    ILY and the very fact this sort of stuff keeps us up at night makes us fantabulous mommas. You are amazing. Press on!! =)
