Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Raising Spiritual Children

This past Friday, one of my best friends (Ms. Alexia ;) )shared with us an encounter she had a few yrs back. She had been meditating on a verse in the bible ( scripture to come) where Jesus says he is in heaven with the Father, and she kept asking herself, how could Jesus be walking on earth and be with the Father at the same time? So she took that scripture and started meditating on it, and then she drifted off, and the Lord spoke to her through this encounter on what Jesus ment. I really want to share this, because as she was explaining what she felt it ment, I was thinking of my life and of Grace and Joshua and how this revelation can be carried on in the way we raise our children.

  In her encounter she was standing on what looked like the sea of glass, and in front of her was a huge gate and she had the ability to somehow go under the gate and peak inside, when she would go under to peak inside she would hear music and see all different types of colors swirling around, as if the music produced colors, she just kept doing the same thing over and over again.   As soon as she woke up from the dream or vision she was having she felt like she understood what the Jesus meant.  Jesus' eyes had the ability to see things in the spirit, and that is how He could be here on earth yet still be with the Father.  She felt the Lord was saying, that we too have the ability to see things in the Spirit, but that our eyes have been consumed by other things, we have constantly given our eyes to entertainment and other things that block our spiritual eyes from seeing.  

We do not see with our spiritual eyes because we are caught up with earthly things, not taking into account the promises and things the Lord wants to show us. 

Ever since Lexi shared this with us, I have been thinking a lot of Grace and Joshua.  Athough, now they dont have the ability or understanding to chose rightly on what they give there efforts, time,  love & EYES to, we do!   What do I need to do to set them up for spiritual success.  How can I convince my children that there is something greater waiting for them, something more pleasurable and entertaining then the T.V or video games, or cell phones and lap tops.  How can I raise them to find their true pleasure in the Man Christ Jesus....

It's not about law, or religion, it is not about a list of things we are to do, or things we are not to do BUT it is about setting a STRONG foundation for our children of WHO Jesus is and WHY we choose to live the way we do.  I have the ability to, from a young age, raise and mold Grace and Joshua, to value simplicity and the things of God over earthly things and have faith that God would honor us as parents and even now begin to show our kids things in the spirit, give them encounters, take them through that open door in heaven that is open to all of us.

I know this all must begin with Moses and I,  and how we chose to live our lives. So, I ask myself... What do I need to do in my own life? What things do I need to get rid of so that Jesus can have the preeminacne in my home and in our lives as a whole?  How far oh Lord would you let me go and how abandoned would you let me be?  How far can I take this determination?  Much examination of the heart must take place...unforntunalty, we have grown up in a culture where humans are humans, and kids need to be kids...sure hrs playing a video game or watching T.V is great, let kids be kids....But I say, how about raising our children in preperation for the next life we will live and not this one, the one that will fade away.  How awesome would it be for our children to grow up with the truth that they live and breathe for Jesus, and for their hearts to ONLY be satisfied by Him....

Lord I just pray that you would give all parents the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge You, that you would open the eyes of their understanding.  Place a zeal in my heart and in theirs to raise spiritual children.  God I say that I will partner with You, I will  listen and be led by the Spirit.  I will do what it takes and give up everything so the I and my children would walk in the Spirit, that our spiritual eyes would be open to see greater things. Give us WISDOM, UNDERSTANDING, GRACE to raise children for Christ.  AMEN...

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