Monday, March 7, 2011

4 yrs of Marital bliss....=)

This week Moe and I celebrate our 4 yr anniversary.  I cant believe we have been married 4 years already.   I am so grateful that Moe walked into my life 6yrs ago.  He is one of the BEST things that has ever happened to me.  He is really an amazing husband, he treats me like his precious jewel, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that he loves me with all of his heart.   Moises and I met right when I was about to turn 18, I kind of eyed him out =) I had noticed him a while back, I was leading worship at our youth group and I saw him walk in as I was singing and I was like wow, he is cute ( then quickly caught myself totally checking someone out while leading worship ooopppsss lol).   We started hanging out with the same group of people, and I really started to like him, BUT he didnt like me =) I burped, and well let just say I wasn't his "type".  We have shared so many special moments, moments so sweet that I will never forget.  One of those moments that really sticks to me was the night we layed on the top of my car and stared at the sky, we asked God that if we were meant to be to show us a sign, and as soon as we said that we saw a shooting star, we looked at each other and kissed =) Just a few months later Moe asked me to marry him!!! I could go on and on but long story short, after 2 yrs of ups and downs, and a beautiful restoration of my once broken heart on March 10, 2007 Moises became the man I would now spend the REST of my life with!!! All I can say is thank you Jesus for bringing Moises into my life and for giving me the free will of choosing him as my husband!  I couldn't of asked for a better man to partner with Jesus in being the keeper of my heart and the father of my children.  I love you Moises Reyes II!
Here are some pics of our special day!