Monday, March 21, 2011

The week begins...REALLY want to start it off strong.

Last week was all wacky for me.  By Saturday night I was crying on my couch because Grace was being disobedient. I know, why cry? I was just tired, felt a little overwhelmed, Grace has been disobedient lately, she is exercising her power to make choices and say the word NO over and over again.  Seriously if you can try and correct your child without saying no do it.  I tried the don't do that, or uh oh, but it just didn't work.  I found myself saying no, spanking and putting Grace in time out over and over again.  I felt like a bad mom, but I guess she has to learn how to honor her parents, how to fear us, and how to be obedient.   I think discipline is one of the hardest things of parenting, one side of me feels terrible and the other feels determined to raise children who are polite, generous and obedient.   Anyways, by the end of the week my patience was running sooooo thin.  This week starting today, I am determined to keep the atmosphere in my home as joyful, and peaceful and practice my patience.  Thus far the day is going good, Grace is happy, Joshua is happy and mommy is rested, we are finishing breakfast and having our daily devotional time.  Hope you all have a beautiful day AND week!

By the way, can any of you share with me ways that you discipline, things that work and don't work.  I know every child in different.  I have a spicy little one =) but what toddler isn't!

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